It was June of 2020. Chelsea and Jared were not going to get the wedding of their dreams. They did get an intimate, beautiful Hill Country ceremony, of which I was honored to be a part.
Cut to July 2021... We did it all over again. It FLIPPING rocked. now we are truly BFFs.
Chelsea shared this video today by Hereafter Films and I cried all the way through it.
From their 2021 wedding script:
"I ask my couples to write me a letter about why they want to be married. I give them a prompt like, “Dear Christel, I want to marry so-and-so because they touch my butt and buy me tacos.”
Both reasons are solid for a lifelong marriage. This is the first time that I have gotten letters that echoed that prompt. Chelsea wrote, “Both of our love languages are physical touch and quality time. Whether it is giving me a hug, rubbing my shoulders, holding my hand, or smacking my butt when I walk by (yes, he does this a lot), he gives this love language in abundance. As someone who has a strong physical touch love language,
it means a lot to have a partner who is always finding a way and looking for reasons to touch you.”
Jared wrote, “Chelsea is always down for tacos or Mexican food and has a sweet tooth that is on par with my own! I could fill up pages on reasons why I want to marry her but the biggest one is because I love her, and she loves me unconditionally. I cannot wait to start our new lives together as husband and wife and take on the many joys, pains and everything life has in store for us.”
This time, I asked them to write about what this year of marriage has taught them.
Chelsea wrote, “By far the biggest thing I’ve learned about Jared in our first year of marriage is that he was built to make it through a pandemic and I was not — the introvert in him was thriving staying home and not having to socialize, and the extrovert in me was struggling with staying put and not seeing people. I learned that teamwork is important — that one of us may be able to give more than the other at times, but we are always working together to be better and grow. Most of all, I learned even more about how Jared is the best partner and I am lucky to be his!
Now usually, in the original letters, I am surprised when letters are similar, but I loved how much Jared’s complemented Chelsea’s with, “This past year has been an interesting first year or marriage. After getting married it was like one of those “one small giant leap” moments. I learned just how extroverted Chelsea is, and how she needs other human interactions to fully thrive, meanwhile I was quite enjoying staying home all day. I’ve learned to share my life more with someone else. I know that I’m not in this by myself anymore.
I am sure there are things I have learned in the past year that I cannot think of, but I am looking forward to learning more and more about Chelsea and our marriage in the many many years to come!"

When I say "Professional Friend", I highlight the FRIEND part. These 2 are really stuck with me forever.
I love you jerks.
